What Is Freestyle Soccer?
Many people have yet to know the origin of freestyle football. Some said that it was invented in as early as the 70's with the likes of Pele, Maradona and Cruyff. Where it began remains unknown. Some say it's from the South American countries and some could argue it's from Holland. It appears that the nature and the environment of both countries might be suitable for kids to perform complex moves especially on narrow areas. But at the time, the word "freestyle" didn't even exist, in this sport at least. Nike began to promote this concept in the early 21st century by launching campaignes and tournaments. People get to see the likes of Ronaldinho and Edgar Davids performing complicated tricks. Players have the ability to juggle a ball using many parts of the body and at the same time execute creative moves while keeping the ball airborne. So, it improves your ball control techniques but not on match and training. All these tricks need a lot of practice in order to be performed perfectly. Like Pele said, "great footballers are made, not born".
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